Blog Design by Bling on the Blog

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Plan your business

Hi My Friends,

have you thought about what your
business is gonna look like at
the end of the year?

Do you have any plans on where you
are going with it?

Whatever it is, it is important to
for you to know which direction
you're heading towards - For if you do
not know where you are going, you
may not end up anywhere in your business.

Here's are some tips to get you started.

1. P = Pinpoint your destination.

Write up a plan of things that you
need to do and the timeline that you
need to complete it.

2. L = Leave Your Excuses Behind

There are FAR TOO MANY people all too
happy to provide a reason to why they
cannot do something. Why they cannot
make money.

Don't be one of them (there are plenty,
your spot is already taken.). Write down
all your “Yes” reasons and leave the
whining to the majority.

3. A = Activate Your Avenue

There are so many types of business
models. And you do not have to make
money the same way others do.

There are a lot of unanswered
questions and problems in different

If you can answer them clearly and
specifically, you'll be amazed at the
momentum you gain just by
solving other people's problem.

4. N = Navigate the Narrows

You need to have a narrow focus. Yet
you don't see a lot of people concentrating
solely on those things. They get caught
up in the latest fad.

What does it REALLY take to make money
online? 3 things : a. Traffic. b. List.
c. Conversions.

Just focus on this system and go simple
and you'll win big.

5. S = Success is NOT an Accident

Your success will be up to… You.
You will not wake up tomorrow with
money in your inbox without having
done something.

And that's a fact.

Others have done it. So, why not you?

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