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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekly Reviewing Lowers Stress

Weekly Reviewing Lowers Stress

While an effective goal-setting routine combined with daily review, and attention, virtually guarantees reaching success, unfortunately a number of people find the pursuit of success to be extremely stressful. Some even abandoning their goal-setting routines, which they know can help them, simply because they can't handle the pressure they've put on themselves.

Does this have to be something that concerns you? Will you find the pursuit of success too stressful? Although we can't speak for everybody, we're positive that doing a weekly review in advance will allow you to reach the success you're planning, while also lowering your stress as well!

Everybody is busy these days, successful people often more than most. While you can't eliminate the unexpected, you can lower the chances of it affecting you and your goal-setting routine. You do this through a weekly review that is one part planning and one part troubleshooting.

This weekly review should be done before you start your work week, and include input from your family. You should begin the weekly review by going through everything you've entered into your goal-setting routine, giving particular attention to the Tasks you need to accomplish that week. While a daily review reminds you that the Tasks need doing, if you've not planned ahead for them they might surprise you, and that can be stressful. Particularly if you haven't set time aside for them.
By reviewing at the start of the week, you'll be better able to schedule and plan your Tasks, which lessens your stress, ensures successful Task completion, and even reduces the amount of time you'll be spending on each Task.

The family is the source of most people's enjoyment, but they can also be the source of most unexpected demands on your time. The time demands that are particularly stressful when you've go a lot planned. Although it won't entirely eliminate the unexpected, planning your week in advance with your family's input will lower the chances of something unexpected coming up, and also minimize its effect on you.
As you're scheduling you Tasks in advance, ask your family what demands they'll have on your time for the upcoming week, and then plan your Tasks around your family responsibilities, instead of organizing your Tasks first and being surprised, and unprepared, when something else comes up, or leaving your Tasks until you've got a free moment.

Remember though, always ask your family as positively as possible. You don't want them ever feeling concerned about making demands for your time. And it won't be a concern to you. With proper planning you'll have more than enough time for your job, your family, and for completing all your Tasks.

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