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Friday, October 16, 2009

Why Should You Set Goals

Why Should You Set Goals

Saying you're going to have $5 million by retirement is not goal setting. Although it might sound like you have a goal, not developing a realistic path toward fulfilling it will, unfortunately, turn your supposed goal into what it really is--a pipe dream. And pipe dreams are rarely realized. Goals, however, when properly set can usually be met. Through learning, and practicing, the step-by-step routine of goal setting, your pipe dreams of today will become tomorrow's reality.

Goal setting is the term commonly given for the process of setting and working towards specific, defined goals. Pretty simple really. What is difficult, however, is getting people to sit down and actually do it, even though it fits with human nature. When we want to go on a trip, we look at a map and plan our route. If we get lost, we recheck our map. When we want to build a model, we orderly follow the steps. When the lawn needs cutting, we set aside the time, put on our lawn-cutting clothes, clear the lawn of hoses etc., go to the mower, start it up, and proceed to cut the lawn in a pattern we've previously determined is best. When all is done, our human nature wins out: we reach our destination, the model is correctly built, and the lawn gets cut.

By learning the skills of goal setting, developing success habits, and maintaining a goal-setting routine you will have the map to success. A map that will guide you straight to the achievement of all the goals you desire and deserve.

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